Data Domainを巡る争い

先日お伝えした「NetAppによるData Domain買収」ですが、あれから、EMCがNetAppを上回る好条件で買収を提案、それに対してNetAppがEMCとほぼ同額の修正買収案を出す、という大きな動きが二つありました。Data DomainとNetAppは、Data DomainがNetAppの修正案を受け入れるとの共同声明を既に出しています。

NetApp and Data Domain issued a joint statement late Wednesday that they have entered into a revised acquisition agreement at the new price of $30 per share, which NetApp offered to match a bid made by EMC earlier this week. The deal is valued at around $1.9 billion.

EMC提案は現在レビュー中であるとし、6/16までに回答するとしています。NetAppの修正案に対する共同声明がすぐに出たのとは大きな違いです。Data Domain経営陣がEMCよりもNetAppを好んでいるという姿勢が伺えます。

1. While many have commented that they think EMC has more synergy with DD than NetApp, I disagree. If they do get it, all numbers aside, they have the opportunity to shore up the midmarket storage space for primary and backup targeted devices. They will inevitably bridge both worlds and, all said and done, will have the opportunity to own the landscape - for as long as there is value to be derived from that landscape.


2. See 1. This is super high-risk. The deal went from $750M cash - roughly 20% and stock to what will end up being at least $2B all cash. Will or can NetApp really afford to lose 50%+ of its operating cash? If EMC is playing them, this is pure brilliance, as it will effectively mean NetApp won't be able to do any other deals of substance, and thus will enable EMC to focus on a very specific target with a very specific set of moves.

EMCはNetAppを資金的に苦境に追い込むためにカウンタオファーを仕掛けている可能性もあるとしています。EMCはData Domain買収提案により、自社の重複排除製品のブランドをある程度傷つけることになっているわけですが、その痛手よりもNetAppに資金的ダメージを与える方が大きい、という見方です。これがもし本当だとしたら老獪だというしかありませんが…。

4. If EMC is playing NetApp to spend more money than the $1.5B, the move really is genius. At $2B, it makes a huge dent in NetApp's cash position and severely restricts it from making other moves. It's basically going to put them in an "all in" bet (for all you Texas Hold-em fans).

さて、一方でEMCが買収した場合のプラス面としては、重複排除製品に関して圧倒的な地位を得られるということが挙げられています。確かに、Source-based deduplicationのAvamarに加えて、Target-basedのData Domainが加わるわけですから、非常に大きな影響力をEMCが持つことができる可能性があると思います。

3. EMC will be able to market themselves as the king of all things dedupe, and as such will be able to position themselves as the "solution" provider regardless of the implementation and application. Want it at the source? Avamar. Want it as a target? Data Domain. Want it from someone else? Quantum, Falconstor, and lord knows how many others. You want dedupe? We have dedupe, baby.

EMCが買収した場合のマイナス面としては、製品ラインを多く持つことから他のベンダからFUDマーケティングを仕掛けられやすいという面を挙げています。先日までAvamarやQuantumを推奨してきたのに、今度からはData Domainを推奨する、という様なやり方は、確かに槍玉に上がりそうです。ただ、このマイナス面はたとえ買収が失敗に終わったとしても、存在するかもしれません。

3. The confusion and chaos will make it relatively easy for others to FUD the giant, which is a lovely turn of events. "Weren't they just in here telling you to buy Avamar, or was it the Quantum box, or the FALC system? Now they want you to buy this one. I see. Well, they sure are committed...."
